Does RumChata Go Bad? (And How Long Can It Last) | Choosing Nutrition (2024)

RumChata is a cream liqueur that uses five-times distilled Caribbean rum and fresh dairy cream with a hint of cinnamon, vanilla and sugar. Many people often buy a bottle of RumChata for a party or holiday, then store the rest away. For this reason (and the dairy ingredients), a frequently asked question many people have about it is: Does RumChata go bad?

RumChata will eventually go bad within 12 months after you’ve opened it. However, RumChata can easily last for 3-5 years or longer if you don’t open it and store it at or below room temperature. Never drink your RumChata if it has a strange smell when you open the bottle, especially if you originally opened it over a year ago.

In this article, we will discuss whether RumChata goes bad over time, as well as how to properly store RumChata. We will also highlight a few alternatives to RumChata. Let’s dig in!


  • Does RumChata Go Bad Over Time?
  • How Can You Tell If RumChata Has Gone Bad?
  • How To Properly Store RumChata?
    • How To Store RumChata
  • Does RumChata Go Bad After Opening?
  • Can You Get Sick From Old RumChata?
  • Alternatives To RumChata
    • Baileys Original Irish Cream
    • Ricura Horchata Cream Liqueur
    • Somrus Chai Cream Liquor
    • Ponche Kuba Cream Liquor
    • Mozart Rose Gold Chocolate Cream
    • Orovana Rum Cream Liqueur
  • Related Questions
      • Is RumChata Gluten-Free?
      • What Can I Put RumChata In?
      • Does RumChata Go Bad In The Fridge?
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Does RumChata Go Bad Over Time?

If stored improperly, RumChata can go bad over time. To maintain its quality for a longer period of time, make sure the bottle is stored at room temperature and that the bottle is not damaged. Once opened, continue storing it at room temperature and make sure the cap is tightly sealed.RumChata does not need to be refrigerated after opening despite its dairy ingredients. The producer hom*ogenizes the dairy and alcohol, so refrigeration is not necessary.

If you plan on consuming the entire bottle in a short period of time, the storage method will most likely not make a big difference. However, that is not usually the case. Most people buy a bottle for a party or holiday, drink a small amount, and then store the rest away. Therefore, it is best to store it properly at room temperature to maintain its quality. If it develops an abnormal color, smell or taste, it should not be consumed and discarded immediately.

How Can You Tell If RumChata Has Gone Bad?

One way to tell if RumChata has gone bad is to smell it and look at its appearance.If it has changed color or developed an abnormal smell, do not consume and discard immediately.If it appears normal, try to remember how long ago it was purchased and how it has been stored. If it has been stored properly at room temperature in its original bottle, the bottle was tightly sealed and not damaged, then it is most likely safe to consume.

Another way to tell if RumChata has gone bad is by tasting it. RumChata is sweet and creamy with a hint of spice from the cinnamon. Therefore, if it tastes dull and no longer has its spicy flavor, do not consume and discard immediately. A loss of flavor can happen about 12 months after opening, so if it has been about that long or longer, it may be time to discard it.

How To Properly Store RumChata?

Although you may be inclined to put it in the refrigerator due to its dairy ingredients, RumChata should be stored at room temperature. The producer hom*ogenizes the dairy and the alcohol to ensure it will not go bad. At room temperature, an unopened bottle of RumChata can last several years. Once opened, it can last about 12 months before it starts to lose its spicy flavor.

How To Store RumChata

  1. Find a cool, dark place such as the pantry or kitchen cabinet away from sunlight or other sources of heat. The ideal storage temperature is between 50-75 degrees Fahrenheit, or 10-24 degrees Celcius.
  2. Make sure there is a constant temperature, away from the stove or dishwasher. Find a nice spot in the pantry or kitchen cabinet and make that its permanent home.
  3. Keep it in its original bottle. This will prevent any cross-contamination from other containers.
  4. Once opened, make sure the cap is tightly sealed and the bottle is not damaged before storing away for next time.

Does RumChata Go Bad After Opening?

Once opened,RumChata can last about 12 months before it starts to lose its spicy flavor.Although a loss of flavor does not necessarily mean it is unsafe to consume, no one wants to drink flavorless RumChata. To experience the full quality and flavor of RumChata, it is best to follow proper storage guidelines and consume it within 12 months after opening.

An unopened bottle of RumChata can last several years if stored properly at room temperature. Once again, proper storage is key when it comes to maintaining the freshness of RumChata.

Can You Get Sick From Old RumChata?

RumChata stays safe to consume for several years because the producer hom*ogenizes the alcohol and dairy to ensure it does not go bad. As a result of that, it would be extremely unlikely for you to get sick from old RumChata. It may start to lose its flavor about 12 months after opening, but that does not necessarily mean it is bad. It might not taste all that good, but it most likely will not make you sick. So, no matter how long you have had your bottle of RumChata or how you choose to enjoy it, you can rest assured that you most likely will not get sick from it.

Alternatives To RumChata

RumChata is a sweet, creamy adult beverage with a hint of cinnamon spice. It can be used in a variety of co*cktail recipes, baked goods, poured over ice cream or it can simply be enjoyed on its own. Although nothing can replace the unique flavor of RumChata, there are a few alternatives that you can try instead that may offer a similar flavor profile.

Baileys Original Irish Cream

Does RumChata Go Bad? (And How Long Can It Last) | Choosing Nutrition (1) Baileys Original Irish Cream is the perfect combination of fine Irish whiskey and spirits, Irish dairy cream, and rich chocolate and vanilla flavors. All of those flavors come together to form a delicious adult beverage. You can enjoy it on its own over ice, add it into co*cktails, pour it over ice cream, or add it into baked goods.

My personal favorite is adding a splash of eggnog to it for a delicious holiday dessert beverage. No matter how you enjoy it, you are sure to love the sweet, creamy flavor of Baileys Original Irish Cream.

Ricura Horchata Cream Liqueur

This delicious combination of the finest Caribbean rum with cream and natural cinnamon flavors is the perfect substitute for RumChata. It has aromas of bread and rice pudding with a creamy cinnamon finish. It is often enjoyed on its own over ice as an after dinner beverage, but you can also add it into any co*cktail that calls for RumChata, pour it over ice cream or add it into baked goods.

Somrus Chai Cream Liquor

This smooth and balanced beverage is a delightful combination of Eastern spices and nuts, enhanced with handcrafted rum and real dairy cream. Although creamy, it is not heavy; it is light and layered in flavor. Add a splash to your iced dirty chai latte, co*cktail, or simply enjoy it on its own. Once you take the first sip, you will take another and another until the whole glass is empty.

Ponche Kuba Cream Liquor

This spicy, creamy rum-based liqueur is the perfect substitute in any co*cktail that calls for RumChata. Take your espresso martini or snickerdoodle martini to the next level by adding a little bit (or a lot) of Ponche Kuba Cream Liqueur. Your tastebuds will thank you for it.

Mozart Rose Gold Chocolate Cream

This delicious blend of Belgian gourmet chocolate, Forastero and Trinitario cocoa from Ghana, premium vanilla from Madagascar, fresh cream and cocoa butter is the epitome of a dessert beverage. Satisfy your sweet tooth by adding a splash to your hot chocolate, espresso martini, mudslide, or even to your morning coffee. You will not regret it.

Orovana Rum Cream Liqueur

This Spanish cream liqueur is creamy and soft on the palate. It features flavors of cocoa and vanilla without an overpowering rum flavor. If you do not like a strong alcohol taste, and prefer something lighter and sweeter, this is a great choice for you. It is also one of the cheaper alternatives to RumChata, which makes it a great choice for anyone on a budget.

Related Questions

Is RumChata Gluten-Free?

Yes, RumChata is gluten-free. There are no gluten-containing ingredients in RumChata. Therefore, it is safe for those with celiac disease or other gluten intolerances.

What Can I Put RumChata In?

RumChata is highly versatile and can be enjoyed in many different ways. For example, you can add it to your coffee, hot chocolate, eggnog, ice cream, cream soda and so much more.

Does RumChata Go Bad In The Fridge?

In this article, we learned that RumChata should be stored at room temperature. However, if you choose to refrigerate your RumChata, that will not cause it to go bad. But it will not make it last longer, either. RumChata that is stored in the refrigerator will last the same amount of time as it would in the pantry, which we learned is several years or up to 12 months after opening.

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Does RumChata Go Bad? (And How Long Can It Last) | Choosing Nutrition (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.