Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)

PAUB TWKt.VB (7 i.i For Careful, 3 a il il 9 Our for lmt year iliow that nearly 40 percent of our NEW cu "omer, year were introduced by OLD This introduction preparatory to ournikinrj you, if you're not a regular cu.torner to attend our-Semi- Annual Sale Starting Next Thursday, January 20th. Favored! GUN-METAL CHIFFON SILK STOCKINGS (Me CALLUM) A slow but becomes so impor- taut that now il demands attention. Sheer chiffon stockings from top to sole, and hcav- jgf "ier silk at heel, sole and toe, in jjnn-ihclal, the '4g shade which some prefer for its smartness, and some because it is one of the most prac- tical shades for Winter. Full-fashioned Mc- Fine Silk Hosiery, 31.95. Capt.

and Mrs. Frederick K. with a mlied spring bouquet, win.of Iredonla, hare bien attend ston() prMent at sfata ajrlcaltural show td with farewell nlfts. The remainder of the evening was spent In reading Enemy of the 1'coplc." tochtsttr Ibo ertater part ho week, but are expected home today tomorrow. Mr.

and MM. I-oult Heyl. Rer. U- munj Sills. Mrs.

Uoa C. and ho audlrnco nhlch will gather Irs. I.ouU studio In Central avi-nuo to htar a talk un Inhn-l. Ir. gleams' Dunkirk and FredoIi rlcr.ds.

and others In 'rrsint-day Irclund, will attend Tho icture Is open to the public. Wait for Sidey's Sale of Sales SALES AND SERVICE SKILLED MECHANICS PROMPT SERVICE SCHAFERBROS. Main, Wright and Lincoln Telephone 2104 SPINAL ADJUSTMENTS By a thoroughly trained and experienced WALTER B. REPERT LMI.II(St Letter 29 E. 4lh Dunkirk, N.


T. Open Ertcinjl Prompt Service on all PLUMBING AND HEATING Willis W.Phinney Plumbing and Cootrmctor 205 MAIN STREET TelephoM 3137 Sahle Bros. Florists, 97-101 NEWTOM STREET, FREDON1A, H. V. ARiniloca ltd Kerens Ctttastti Can Starro Ton Unit Itte B.

SCIOUNO CtNIHAL CONIRACTOR to Pnnkml tiA rarunist rusttrtzc aU Dvr-kirk. M(o rtrk ITS WORTH IT MM OMMtM t4f we PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Kenneth lioldtn as been Tlsltlni Dunkirk (fiends. Earl Windsor ot 10 East Oreen street seriously 111 at the hospital follow. nt an Miss Helen McCarthy "of 'Central reaue is speodlni; the week end with er sitter la.Toninsndi.

Mrs. Kelion I'almer will entertain be Haturdajr Ilrldjtn club lonlcbt at Inner at her borne In Waihlngtoa are- ae. Ifodell.of IhiUIrk Up- olslerlns company Is la New York lly, whor* the company has aa ex- Ibll at the New York K'lrnllure show. of XVoodrow E. J.

nalr and son, Edward of Ultra are the week-end with and Mrs. Uwrence Bollltaa la West Fourth street i Harold" (i Stearns and Btearhs will arrlre this afternoon from Clereland, the former (lrln( a talk oa Ireland here tonlihL Mrs. 0. fata of will to! tlilt her parents, Judie and Mrs. John! S.

Lamberfln Fredonls. Farewell Party Members of the-Saturday Heading' club entertained lait nlabt ot home ut Mrs. William J. Balllran In I Showera For Recent Bride lr IaroI ot a ttrfet anghter. Mrs.

C. rccta bride, was the xuest ot honor Katbtrlne Schauer. and "asiell at all Ritea oa KrlJar Vlllelt were In Jamestown Friday noon anj CTen ns Bjr rj Ellaer T- Uht to Ruth St Ted simuelson at her tome In Deer street. bairn, and the Iknlibawa dancers. Lecture Tonight Thorars P.

Ill ffernan will ucu IlaroM a SHarns lonisbt tba afternoon, prizes at cards were eltcn to Mrs. Robert Anderson ar.J Mn. Charjcs Pflsterer. and In Ihe'eto- Intro- nlns to Mrs. Harold Francis and Mlis Mrs.

(Joss was The Car of the Hour SIXES AND EIGHTC Demonstrations on Request FRED W. QUANDT, Proprietor -8 Fourth SL Telephone 5227 articles la the Women Voters Meet TUo Troilonla league cf Women 'uti-rs a the Fit-daub T. If. afternoon, and In the etenlnz with a variety of articles. Lltsrary Lecture At Normal Students of Fredonta N'ormal llv tr-ncJ to one of Her.

H-rbrrt Hit. UICD'I literary In chapel, Friday morning. Jin. II. Jlr.

lilt- cben chose aa lilt topic, "Women 1'oota ot fircat Hrltiln." eld a Joint meetlns Friday afternoon In hls.tclk ho spoke of the fact tho white roorn-of the White Inn. that women hare taken their plact In. I 1 It bead of the W. C. T.

U. la the flrM of. poetry only recently. Maude Ilabcoek of lunklrlc gara a talk oa International tt-Ialtons and Mrs. Joseph llleger ipoko oa the Eighteenth Amendment.

St John's'Mothers' Club Ixcauie their crcatlre Injtlnets har; hern hampered thronth lack ot opportunity. i Mr. Illtchen read a number selections, each Indicative of III? sljle of the anthor. The writers Mrs. John and Mrs.

Charles lloch. There were nine tables if bridge. In play, and tea folloned. The.nrst In a series ot teas to bei hlt menl i A held throughout.the winter by the 1 Anna fcasan Mil- mrmbers of St John's Mothers' club hf Frleman and Era Core; held on Friday afternoon at 00 of Mrs. llert Hopkins In Pike tree).

Tim hostess was assisted Mock Trial at Fredonla Mrs. Albert Itueckcrl. 'Mrs. Augusti. The men of the Fredonla M.

E. church eare an amusing entertainment conilsllne'of a mock trial In.which Klmt-r Smith as a colored miss sued Henry Draggett for breath of promise and also to recover some stolen money. Judge Nelson Itaxtcr was the Jjil-e and the attorneys were G. Mparoe and W. Ollnes.

Among the chief witnesses were Newton Huntley representing a colored preacher and J. A. Craln. a friend of the defendant. After an amusing hoar the Jarr rendered a rerdlct of acquittal In the breach of promise matter prorldln: the stolen money was There was a crowd of fully 200 In attendance.

1 Unitarian The January dinner of the Dunkirk- chapter ot- the Unitarian af men's league will be held Wednesday cTcnlni; In the dot 111 rooms of Memorial church, serted at n'clock. The speaker of thn crenlnc will be tobert T. Plnder of the Continental lealer corporation whose subject will e. "The Income Tax." The.Rer. Herbert Illtchen will be on (he program elding a one-act play.

"East ot Eden." WELD IT All Metals Welding Shop JOHN Prop. CM and OU BurtfeTi for Furnaces 14-1C-18 West BeconJ Street Phone 2481 ROOK BINDERY, jas. 16 E. Second Street Near. Washington Avenue ilagniiiiea, ilmic.

I'arniihlcU, Etc, bound in aU stylra Onlen prompllj attemled to. guaranteed. the Ads Before You Go Shonhfntf FLAG SIAFF UP OVER CI1Y riALl Old Glory May Be Unfurled First Time When Building it Formally Dedicated. The flag staff orer, Uanklik'a new city hall Is now In position, the work ot Installing It bailee been completed on Friday afternoon. The staff extends.

30 feet abore the roof and Is erected Jast orer the main entrance la Central a'renae and stfelr secured below. The common conncll has not yet taken np the miller of arraaglng for FAIR STOCKHOLDERS WILL MEET MONDAY AT 2 p. M. The annual meeting ot the ot the Chautanqna County Agricultural association will be held at 2 o'clock Monday afternoon In the Chamber ot Commerce. Iteports will be presented and a new board ot dlrec- tora will be elected.

All stockholders are nrced to attend. Oldttt in Capital The White Home, the official residence ot the President, was tbe first pnblle building erected In Wijilojton. STEVENS' GIFT HOUSE ClCli ErriT China, uuu. rictnrts. Et-.

Hani Unto and a formal dedication ot the new building, which Is fast nearlae completion. On that occasion It Is probable 5 IT 1rl! i TM the flat; will flrsl be flifnt' to the 1 breeie. At the meetlnc; ot the comaoa council Tuesday nlcht bids will be opened for a portion ot the tqulpment ot the council chamber and coart rooms In-' clndlnic metal for the rostrum. Jury' box and other nlllnti. The speclflca-, lions for the city hall foraUhlnts are about completed and orders for the adrerllstnic of MJs for this' may be Usatd at the meetlac.

i Real estate CULLINAN Insurance HOMES FOR SALE THIS LIB1 CHANGES DAILY QlgQQ-- No. ET Genet SL 4 bed rooms. 1 lltlng rooms, electric lights, cellar, furnace, cas. bath, Karate. lery large lot 1SS ft.

oy 111 I-Z fL Trice will be reduced tor cash. o. Ils Kallroad Arenue. 9 room borne wltn cellar. bath, two-car garage.

"Lot Is 50 fL by 1M fL' Will ony a 5-room bnnga tow at Na BH Lot la 40 fL by 101 fL E)eo trie Ugbta. gas. bath, cellar, garage A bargain. a two-family house Are. la 40 R.

1)0 fL 5t97fU-ror a modern anamer cot take at Hlckord Hnrst: baa Breplaca. gas. electric lights, city water. Lot fL by 100 fL ony ap rrooffl wttn lot at Ha. Ut Kobta has sewer.

-water gas: lot la 45ilH tret to Floru BL ParemenL Eaay terms. P. CULLINAN PHOM407I REALTOR I.W. 8 D. A 8 DIAMONDS IN COPPER SETTING LreoMQtoont--joa MT.

Ttttwo cyci, fir more prcciocs (Hso ducoods. we often foacj fitted with inferior gluics. Gtassaof the culm dctrtcc from the busty of the ere as wooLl th; cojycr scmo from the briir liiace of the diiooi. Vlt thonli. the bat for the test; ioJ I I now ttit 700 Laawthit 1 Dr.

D. Perkint Optometrls- 35 fast Third Street I Dunkirk. N. Y. NED WOODMAN AT WESTMINSTER HALL The recond ouabrr of tea-' son's lledpath lecinre tonne at! Hall was siren oa FrM day nliht.

when Ned Woodman and lecturer, entertained a Catherine The showed great later- rst In the arthfs quick sketches watch were done with train he talked, nits ot scenery, rartccas of famous men. rampirlimi the nlldle-aceil ladbx ot and today, were Intladed la tht tn'any RaJe. Mr. Woodman's nmslsg Brc ot noroaj roameat arroapanled tkp sketcalac. Tar nut aiaWr a de roarve-wRl a lectnre by rtiratr IVat ea ji*zaary Jl WOOOROW AVENUE HOME SOLD TO OUNKIRKER C.

E. iitisrUs aid faally. for fEnly of.IVatle street are notlaf Icto the rrtUeacv at atfnie. rrcrstly ot K. 4.

llarra, fonnerly ol tils tnorrd la Erie. Pa. Tht ssle vat male throota the Oarrrd A Bo, FoUy Ud Us robber's tst breal lalfe la tU yard. to tut nt brkka. Ills raetft Owl Ua at taJ askrl kits i ta tatttor nt tread wlti tint jn ft ttrroffcr 1 tnl Rbrw not tatk ItlTt la Ox fosJ CWnttM Pontiac-Six Makes An Unprececlented Record! Breaks Att Records $825 F.O.B.

FACTORY. In the lobby of the Commodore Hotel this week, Pontiac-Six number 76,536 is being shown. One year ago on the self-same spot car number 1, stood. The most spectacular record ever achieved any automobile manufacturer--and is only further proof that the Pontiac-Six is the best valued car under Quay's Garage Machine Shop nuTOft or DUHIOP ranmAno 4 MUD ntcs DmktHc. N..

Dunkirk Evening Observer from Dunkirk, New York (2024)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.