Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (2024)

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There are plenty of different customisable details for every single hero in Overwatch 2, from golden guns to changing the voice lines, and of course, putting down different sprays. A lot of these are unlocked by purchasing them, but a select few can only be unlocked by completing challenges or participating in events.

Related: Overwatch: All The Heroes That Are Related To Each Other (And How They're Related)

Some of the most notorious sprays to have for heroes are the Cute and Pixel sprays, which require you to complete challenges with each hero to unlock them. Both of these types of sprays are also what you need to complete if you are looking to unlock all of the achievements in Overwatch 2.

Cute Spray For Tanks

Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (1)

Here is every single tank and how you can get their cute spray.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (2)

To get the cute spray for D.VA, you have to kill four enemies with a single use of her ultimate, Self-Destruct, in a game of quick play or competitive.

You can fly D.VA's mech and then use Self-Destruct to make the explosion fly toward the enemy team, making it more of a challenge for people to dodge and escape.

Getting this spray can be made easier by combining D.VA's Self-Destruct with other heroes, such as Zary's Graviton Surge.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (3)

To get the cute spray for Doomfist, you need to hit 4 enemies with a single use of his Meteoric Strike in quick or competitive games.

This is another case of either getting lucky or using something like Graviton Surge to get all the enemies together.

Junker Queen

Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (4)

To get the cute spray for Junker Queen, you need to use her Jagged Blade and Carnage to pull in an enemy and then kill them in either quick or competitive games.

This can be done best with weaker enemies like Cassidy or Zenyatta that are easy to hit and pull in and don't have a lot of ways to escape you.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (5)

To get the cute spray for Orisa, you will need to get an environmental kill by knocking an enemy off the map with an Energy Javelin throw.

This is done best on maps like the well map on Ilios and the shrine map on Nepal, which both have points where you can fall to your death, making it easy for you to push other people to their deaths.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (6)

To get the cute spray for Ramattra, you need to get three kills with a single use of Annihilation.

This is easy enough to get and will unlock with enough time played as Ramattra, just make sure to stick close to the enemy team and focus on the weaker enemies before going for the other team's tank so that your Annihilation can last for longer.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (7)

To get the cute spray for Reinhardt, you need to hit an enemy with a Fire Strike and then a Charge after having already hit them with an Earthshatter.

This can be done at any point with his ultimate, as long as you hit a hero that has enough health to survive the first two attacks.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (8)

To get the cute spray for Roadhog, you need to knock two enemies off the map with a single use of his ultimate Hog Wild.

This can be a tricky spray to get but one of the best maps for this is Lijiang Tower, where both teams need to go over bridges to get to the point giving a great opportunity to push them off the map.


To get the cute spray for Sigma, you need to get 3 killing blows with his ultimate Gravitic Flux.

This is another tricky spray to get, but don't forget that you can hit the enemies with your normal attack when they are up in the air.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (10)

To get the cute spray for Winston, you need to damage 5 enemies with a single use of his ultimate Primal Rage.

This spray shouldn't be too difficult to unlock, as you only need to damage the other enemies and it will just be a case of playing Winston until you reach a situation where all of the enemy team is close together- this will often happen in overtime.

Wrecking Ball

Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (11)

To get the cute spray for Wrecking Ball, you need to roll through 4 enemies within 2 seconds.

Getting this spray will be a matter of luck for the most part, as you will need almost all of the enemy team to be together so you can swing at them all at the same time.

Like some of the other sprays, this can be made easier with Zarya and also Mei's ultimate.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (12)

To get the cute spray for Zarya, you need to capture 4 enemies in her Graviton Surge.

This should be one of the easier sprays to get as you can do it on any map and is just a matter of waiting for four enemies to get close together.

Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (13)

All seventeen of the damage heroes in Overwatch 2


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (14)

To get the cute spray for Ashe, you need to kill an enemy knocked up into the air by B.O.B.

This spray will require some skill to unlock, but with enough time, you will be able to hit your shot on a weaker enemy flung into the air.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (15)

To get the cute spray for Bastion, you need to get 3 kills with a single use of his ultimate Configuration: Artillery.

Getting 3 kills with Bastion's ultimate can be difficult, especially as his strikes come out very slowly and enemies have time to escape the explosions. To make getting this spray easier, try to get the help of a Graviton Surge to make it so that the enemies can run away.


To get the cute spray for Cassidy, you need to get 4 kills with his ultimate Deadeye.

This is one of the hardest cute sprays, as Cassidy is so vulnerable when using his ultimate and enemies have plenty of time to attack you or run away. You will need to stand and wait for all four of the rings to lock on to make sure you get the kills. However, when you shoot the bullets, they can be deflected, dodged, and avoided and can even miss the target if they move behind another enemy.

Zarya's Graviton Surge doesn't work well with this spray as other members of your team will get the kills before you can shoot the bullets in Deadeye, and so this spray is something that you will likely have to spend a lot of time grinding for to get.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (16)

To get the cute spray for Echo, you need to use two other heroes ultimate in a single life.

To do this, you will need to survive for a long time as Echo so that you can get her ultimate twice, and then it will be smart to change into a hero like Tracer that can get her ultimate quickly and has a lot of maneuverability. Another good choice would be Moira, who can heal herself and move around effectively.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (17)

To get the cute spray for Genji, you need to get 4 kills with Dragonblade.

This can be made easier with the help of Zary's ultimate or Mei's ultimate and can be very effectively done with a Nano Boost from Ana.

Make sure not to be caught out in the open without any abilities, as you will be targeted by every enemy around you.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (18)

To get the cute spray for Hanzo, you need to get 4 kills with Spirit Dragons.

This can be done by yourself if the enemy team is stuck in a long corridor or a tight room, but other than that using the reliable help of Zary's Graviton Surge will make this much easier to unlock.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (19)

To get the cute spray for Junkrat, you need to get 4 kills with his RIP-Tire.

You can make his RIP-Tire go up walls and that can make it much harder for the enemies to predict where it will come from.

This is another case of trying to combo with Zarya or Mei, but it is possible to do solo with a bit of luck.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (20)

To get the cute spray for Mei, you need to freeze 4 enemies at once.

This is another spray that will come with enough time played on the character, as her ultimate has a large area that it covers and can freeze enemies relatively quickly.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (21)

To get the cute spray for Pharah, you need to get 4 kills without touching the floor.

This can be done in several ways. For example, you could get three kills with your ultimate Rocket Barrage and then get another kill whilst remaining in the air. Another effective way that you can stay in the air is by sliding down rooftops like on Hollywood or Eichenwald, to help recharge your cooldowns without touching the ground.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (22)

To get the cute spray for Reaper, you need to get 4 kills with your ultimate Death Blossom.

Jump whilst using your ultimate to cover more ground and deal headshot damage to have a higher chance of getting all four kills

Reaper's ultimate is very strong as he can heal himself whilst using it making it difficult to stop you whilst you are using Death Blossom. Therefore, it is just a matter of finding a group of 4 enemies who have already taken a little bit of damage, and, with a bit of luck, you will unlock the spray.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (23)

To get the cute spray for Sojourn, you need to get 4 kills with a single use of her ultimate Overclock.

Sojourn is a strong character with a very powerful ultimate. Just keep your distance using your slide to move away from enemies that get too close and, with some luck, you should be able to find 4 enemies to kill. This is also made easier using a Nano Boost from Ana.

Soldier 76

Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (24)

To get the cute spray for Soldier 76, you need to get 4 kills using his Tactical Visor.

As it is with Sojourn, this is a very strong ultimate that can be made even more powerful with the help of Ana's Nano Boost.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (25)

To get the cute spray for Sombra, you need to hack 5 enemies at once.

This spray requires you to get all 5 enemies with your ultimate, which is going to come down to luck. It shouldn't be too difficult as the EMP has a large radius and nothing can block or deflect it, so it will just be a matter of playing Sombra until the opportune moment strikes.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (26)

To get the cute spray for Symmetra, you need to teleport fifteen friendly allies in a game.

This is probably one of, if not, the easiest sprays to unlock. You don't have to stay alive to get the spray, you don't even have to worry about enemies to get it. If you were keen to get this spray you could even get a friend to teleport back and forth in the spawn room until you unlock the spray.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (27)

To get the cute spray for Torbjorn, you need to get 4 kills with a single use of Molten Core.

The best way to get all 4 kills to unlock the spray is to use Molten Core on the point or the payload. This will be especially effective during overtime.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (28)

To get the cute spray for Tracer, you need to stick 4 Pulse Bombs onto enemies in a single game.

The easiest way to get this spray will be to aim for the tanks, as you are not required to kill the enemy, but just to get the bomb to stick. It can be difficult to aim the Pulse Bomb, but as long as you get close enough to the enemy, it should be easy enough to stick.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (29)

To get the cute spray for Widowmaker, you will need to get a single kill whilst airborne.

This is a tricky shot to hit as you will be falling from the sky, but after enough attempts, you will manage to hit a shot with her and get the kill on an enemy. The only real way to make this easier is by using her ultimate so that you can see exactly where the enemies are so that when you use your grapple hook you have a better chance of hitting a headshot on an enemy.

Cute Spray For Support

Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (30)

You can get the cute sprays for all 8 support characters, and this is how to do it:


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (31)

To get the cute spray for Ana, you need to get 4 kills or assist with a single use of her Nano Boost.

This can be an annoying spray to unlock, as you have little control over what is happening, and you have to rely on the person you Nano Boost to get kills. To make it easier, aim to Nano Boost characters like Soldier 76, Genji, and Reinhardt that get a big advantage with the extra damage and can get a lot of kills with their ultimates.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (32)

To get the cute spray for Baptiste, you need to amplify a combined total of 2000 damage and healing without dying.

This should be relatively easy to unlock as his Amplification Matrix heavily increases your teammate's damage and, with the aid of your immortality field, you should be able to survive for a long time.


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To get the cute spray for Brigitte, you need to kill an airborne enemy with her Whip Shot.

This is going to come down getting lucky and finding a low-health Pharah. Another possible way to unlock this spray is with the help of Sigma's ultimate, which will lift all the enemies off the ground giving you a few targets to try and hit and kill with your Whip Shot.


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To get the cute spray for Kiriko, you need to restore 1500 health and land 5 critical hits without dying.

This is another spray that you are likely to unlock by just playing Kiriko. Make sure to focus on staying alive and use your Swift Step to teleport to a friendly ally and get to safety. Stick in the back lines of your team and shoot out your kunai, aiming for headshots.

Tanks have a large hitbox for headshots and are easier targets to hit.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (35)

To get the cute spray for Lucio, you need to block 900 damage with a single use of his ultimate Sound Barrier.

The easiest way to block 900 damage is in big team fights when the other team is using a lot of powerful ultimates, such as RIP-Tire, Tactical Visor and Death Blossom. Just wait for the right moment to use Lucio's ultimate and you will have his spray unlocked in next to no time.


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To get the cute spray for Mercy, you need to resurrect 5 allies without dying.

This is a game of waiting for your ability to come off of cooldown and find a safe opportunity to bring a dead player back to life. Do your best to keep away from the fights whilst aiding your team with healing and damage boost.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (37)

To get the cute spray for Moira, you need to hit 6 targets simultaneously with Coalescence.

This is another spray that you will probably unlock after playing as Moira for a while, as it comes down to luck of where all your allies and enemies are.

You are most likely going to get this done when the map is in overtime and every single player is rushing towards the point or payload to try and win the match.


Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (38)

To get the cute spray for Zenyatta, you need to restore 1250 health with a single use of Transcendence.

Similar to unlocking the cute spray for Lucio, to get this spray it is best to wait for someone on the other team to use a powerful ultimate like Soldier 76, Reaper, or Sojourn.

Zenyatta's ultimate last for six seconds, which is plenty of time to heal all of your team during a fight where they are receiving a lot of general damage.

Next: Overwatch - Who Are Overwatch?

Overwatch 2: How To Unlock The Cute Spray (2024)
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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

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